Academic Resources

Academic Calendar

Graduate Student Policies & Handbook

Students are expected to inform themselves regarding all academic policies by referring to the Graduate Student Handbook.

The Handbook is not an irrevocable contract. Regulations published in it are subject to change by the University at any time without notice. University regulations are policy statements to guide students, faculty and administrative officers. The appropriate authorities with the interest of the students and the institution in mind will make necessary interpretations of these policies. Students are encouraged to consult an advisor or the Director of their graduate program if they have questions about the application of any policy.

Credit Hour Policy

Assumption University upholds the Federal Credit Hour Standard in its award of credit. For each hour of credit earned, for both undergraduate and graduate credit, Assumption requires fifty minutes of faculty instruction and two hours of student preparation per week for the fifteen weeks of the semester for a total of 42.5 hours of engagement required per earned credit. A 3-credit course, for example, includes a minimum of 2.5 hours of faculty instruction and 6 hours of student preparation each per week in a 15-week semester. This standard applies to the fall and spring 15-week semesters, and to the accelerated summer terms.  Classes held three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are 50 minutes long; twice-weekly Tuesday/Thursday classes are 75 minutes in duration. This standard is applied in the awarding of labs, practica, internships for credit, studio work, or other academic work completed as part of an academic program of study.

Student Complaint Procedures

Academic grievances: The academic grievance procedure for all graduate students is detailed in the student handbook.

Online students with an academic grievance must follow the University’s informal and formal processes described in the Graduate Student Handbook.  If an online student is unable to resolve the grievance by exhausting the informal and formal processes, the student may file a complaint with the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education (DHE).

1, For Massachusetts Residents and Online Students in Non-SARA Member States and Territories

After exhausting the University’s informal and formal processes, described in the handbook, you may file a consumer complaint with the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education by using the consumer complaint form. The DHE consumer complaint form should be used by students who are located in: 

  • Massachusetts
  • Non-SARA Member States or Territories (e.g., California, Guam, etc.)

2. For Online Students Located in SARA Member States and Territories other than Massachusetts 

After exhausting the University’s informal and formal processes, described in the handbook, you may file a complaint with the DHE by using the SARA complaint form. The DHE SARA complaint form should be used by students who are located in SARA member states and territories. This includes all students who are located in SARA member states and territories for the purposes of completing out-of-state learning placements, such as internships, practica, clinical experiences, etc. in SARA member states and territories outher than Massachusetts.

Additional information from the DHE’s SARA complaint website is below: 
The SARA complaint process is as follows:

  1. Students must first attempt to resolve their complaint using internal administrative procedures offered by the SARA institution.
  2. After all administrative remedies have been exhausted with the MA-SARA institution, the student may submit a SARA Complaint via the URL below.
  3. The Department shall send a copy of the complaint to the institution that is the subject of the complaint;
  4. Within 30 days of the date that the Department sends a copy of the complaint to the institution, the institution must provide a written response to the student and the Department.

More information about DHE’s complaint processes can be found here.

Title IX and other harassment/discrimination complaints: All students, including online students, may file a complaint regarding sexual or other harassment or discrimination by following the process detailed in the student handbook.  Additional information and an online reporting form can be found here.

Other complaints:  Complaints that fall outside the areas of academics, Title IX, harassment, and discrimination, as described in the Graduate Student Handbook, should be filed with the Dean of the school in which the student is enrolled.  The process for submitting a complaint is detailed in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Houndmail, My.Assumption Portal and Brightspace

Use the following links to go to: Houndmail,, and Brightspace. Please note that when accessing the My. Assumption Portal, be sure that you are not simultaneously using Google Chrome as this may cause technical issues.

If you have not received your username and password by the start of the semester please contact Graduate Studies at or 508.767.7387.

Course Schedules

Rooms will be assigned by the registrar the week before classes begin. Students can verify their course schedule via the

Registrar and Transcript Requests

Students may review their academic records by appointment. To order a transcript, please go to the registrar’s page and follow the instructions on how to order through the online Parchment transcript service. The fee for transcripts is $7.

Please note that official transcripts are withheld only if a student has not met all financial obligations to the University. Grades will be posted on the portal as soon as possible after each marking period. Grades will not be released over the phone.

Registrar’s Hours:
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Desatuels 002

Weather Cancellations

In the event of weather-related school cancellations, a notice will be posted on the homepage. The snow line is 508-767-7220. A message will be posted by 2 p.m. if classes are canceled for that afternoon/evening.

Emmanuel d’Alzon Library

The Emmanuel d’Alzon Library is home to a number of academic resources for students. Please visit the website for more information.