Apr 30, 2020
Dmitriy Ivanov

Meghan Curtin ’16, Nurse Treating Coronavirus Patients in New York City, Featured in N.Y. Times

Meghan Curtin ’16, a former Assumption lacrosse player who is now a senior staff nurse for N.Y.U. Langone Health, was one of several nurses featured in today’s New York Times article, “’Patients Have Panic in Their Eyes’: Voices From a Covid-19 Unit.” 

Read the N.Y. Times Article

Curtin is part of a group of 20 nurses from N.Y.U. Langone Health working with Covid-19 positive patients. In the article, she discusses the emotional toll that coronavirus takes on patients, as well as on herself; she has not seen her diabetic father since the outbreak and is aware that she’s risking the health and safety of her family on a daily basis. Says Curtin, “To think about having to have this lifestyle for a full year, it would be very difficult.”

Curtin’s colleagues echo similar sentiments, describing the effect coronavirus has on patients and staff. Despite the enormous burden of caring for these patients, the group of nurses continue their duties while hoping for some reprieve.