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Shahara B. Drew, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Practice of English

Founders Hall - Room 226

Portrait Picture of Shahara B. Drew, Ph.D.

Katarzyna Dubiel

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Katarzyna Dubiel

Kathleen Ducharme

Financial Reporting Accountant

Alumni Hall - Room 110

Portrait Picture of Kathleen Ducharme

Elizabeth Dunbar

Coordinator - Human Resources

Alumni Hall - Room 109

Portrait Picture of Elizabeth Dunbar

Derek N. Duplessie, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Philosophy

Founders Hall - Room 306

Portrait Picture of Derek N. Duplessie, Ph.D.

James Dupre

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of James Dupre

Theresa Duridas

Academic Counselor

La Maison - Room 200

Portrait Picture of Theresa Duridas

Cameron Dwyer

Head Swimming & Diving Coach

Portrait Picture of Cameron Dwyer

Robert Dwyer

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Robert Dwyer

Cynthia Edgerton

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Cynthia Edgerton

Neeja Edmonds

Reach Out Center Coordinator

Portrait Picture of Neeja Edmonds

Patrick Egan

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Patrick Egan

Joyce Elia-Renaud

Adjunct Faculty- Education

Kennedy Building

Portrait Picture of Joyce Elia-Renaud

Susan Eramo

Lecturer, MBA Programs

Portrait Picture of Susan Eramo

Beverly Stewart

Adjunct Faculty, Human Services and Rehabilitation Studies

Switzer Building

Portrait Picture of Beverly Stewart

Gina Ethier

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Gina Ethier

Megan Evangelista

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Megan Evangelista

Kyle Evans

Faculty, Mathematics

Portrait Picture of Kyle Evans

Colleen A. Fahy, Ph.D

Professor of Economics

Tsotsis Family Academic Center - Room 228

Portrait Picture of Colleen A. Fahy, Ph.D

Tracy Falcon

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Tracy Falcon

Louis Farina

Adjunct Faculty MBA Program

Portrait Picture of Louis Farina

Anne M. Farmer

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Anne M. Farmer

Steven D. Farough, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Sociology Director of Racial and Ethnic Studies

Kennedy Memorial Hall - Room 214

Portrait Picture of Steven D. Farough, Ph.D

Carryne Farrell


Portrait Picture of Carryne Farrell

Scott Faucher

Laska Gymnasium - Room 03A

Portrait Picture of Scott Faucher

Dr. Karyn Ferdella

Adjunct Faculty/Education

Portrait Picture of Dr. Karyn Ferdella

Carrie L. Ferguson

Administrative Assistant, Academic Support

Portrait Picture of Carrie L. Ferguson

Robert K. Ferguson, M.D.

Medical Director, PA Studies Associate Professor of Practice, School of Health Professions


Portrait Picture of Robert K. Ferguson, M.D.

William Ferney

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of William Ferney

Christopher A. Ferreira, PA-C

Program Director, PA Studies Associate Professor of Practice, School of Health Professions


Portrait Picture of Christopher A. Ferreira, PA-C

Mearlene Filkins

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Mearlene Filkins

Douglas Finn

Assistant Professor of Theology

Portrait Picture of Douglas Finn

Michael Fisher

Adjunct Faculty

Founders Hall - Room 231

Portrait Picture of Michael Fisher

Thomas Fitzpatrick

Lecturer in Business Law

Desautels Hall

Portrait Picture of Thomas Fitzpatrick