An aerial shot of the center of Assumption University's beautiful campus in the fall

Office of Integrated Marketing

Integrating Strategy and Storytelling

The Office of Integrated Marketing is Assumption University’s central in-house marketing agency. Rooted in a passion for storytelling, we strive to promote and share the compelling stories that define the Assumption experience. Our goal is to collaboratively enhance the University’s brand through strategic, consistent, and innovative marketing efforts, and our mission is to tell the unique stories of Assumption in whatever shape they take. We provide a range of services designed to ensure that every communication from Assumption University aligns with our core values and visual identity.

By partnering with us, you help maintain the integrity of Assumption University’s visual and narrative identity, fostering stronger connections with our diverse audiences.

Together, we are Hound Nation.

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Download and access University logos, fonts, and other approved assets within the Assumption brand. Just make sure you review our brand guidelines before using!

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