What is the School Counseling Dual Degree Program at Assumption?
School counselors provide critical support to students, parents, administrators, teachers, staff, and community service providers. The School Counseling Program trains the future counselor to work with children and adolescents across academic, career, and social-emotional domains.
Apply as a high school senior into the dual degree program with one application and benefit from being considered for a $2,500 Dual Degree Scholarship (per year for your 4 undergraduate years). You will also be considered for a 10% Alumni Discount for every term you are enrolled at least part-time in your graduate program at Assumption.
As an undergraduate, you will have the opportunity to attend the Massachusetts School Counselors Association (MASCA) conference with faculty, and students also are encouraged to join the MASCA as student members. This program also grants students experiential learning and research opportunities through attending the Assumption School Counseling workshops and participating in the Graduate Research Symposium. One-on-one mentoring with the Program Director is available to dual degree students.