Student in a classroom

Core Texts & Enduring Questions

Encounter the great books that have shaped human lives, and explore the questions all human beings must raise if they are to face up to their own humanity.

What are Core Texts and Enduring Questions?

The Core Texts and Enduring Questions (CTEQ) Program at Assumption unites four academic departments—Art History, Philosophy, Theology, and Political Science—in one intellectually coherent minor. The questions about what is ultimately good, true, and beautiful endure not because there are no answers. They endure because each generation of students deserves to face these questions personally so as to see with their own eyes and not simply to be handed a doctrine that tells them authoritatively what they must pursue, think, and admire.

Why Study Core Texts and Enduring Questions?

Specifically designed for those students seeking an intense and integrated liberal arts education as they simultaneously pursue a specialized major, the CTEQ minor brings faculty and students together to study great works of human thought not simply to learn something about them and their authors, but, more importantly, to learn something vital and enduring about ourselves as human beings.

You will have opportunities beyond the classroom, with trips to major cities in the United States and Europe, lectures and seminars on campus, reading groups, complimentary theater tickets, and chances to compete in student essay contests or attend academic conferences. These opportunities enrich the intellectual experience available to CTEQ students, no matter what major they are pursuing. 

The CTEQ Program exists because alumni of Assumption had their lives transformed by the education they found here, and they have endowed this program to ensure that this type of education will always be available at Assumption. There was a time when students enrolling in college expected just this sort of transformation. Today, most students go to college looking for professional training of one sort or another, and colleges have adapted to make that possible. CTEQ exists to ensure that the opportunity for a life-transforming education is still possible at the same time.

Program Contact

Daniel P. Maher, Ph.D

Professor of Philosophy, Director of CTEQ
508-767-7575 Tsotsis Family Academic Center Room 248

All classes taught by professors, none by teaching assistants
Students from 29 states and 21 countries
Student/Faculty ratio

Program Curriculum

  • You are required to take the following courses to fulfill obligations for the minor:

    Required Courses

    ARH 160

    Art Ancient & Modern: The Question of Beauty (fulfills the Fine Art or Music requirement in the “Language, Culture, and Expression Pillar” in the Foundations Program)

    THE 253

    Revelation: Ancient & Modern (fulfills the second Theology course in “Cornerstones” in the Foundations Program)

    PHI 245

    Reason: Ancient & Modern (fulfills the requirement for a Humanities Course in “Forum” in the Foundations Program)

    POL 350

    Republicanism: Ancient & Modern 

    Choose from Two of the Following Single Book Seminars (or from other approved classes)

    THE 285

    Augustine’s The City of God

    ARH 325

    Nietzsche and the Avant-Garde

    PHI 351

    Plato’s Republic

    POL 356

    The Prince Among Republics

    POL 358

    Tocqueville’s Democracy in America

    PHI 375

    Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil

    Course Descriptions

  • CTEQ Story Hour: Read short stories with students and faculty.
    No advance reading. No tests. Food and drink. Thinking and laughter.
    Watch for announcements on campus.


    CTEQ Alumni Symposium Fall 2024
    Discussion of Marilynne Robinson’s The Givenness of Things
    Saturday, 5 October 2024


    Fortin/Gonthier Lecture
    Glenn Arbery on Homer and Milton
    Spring 2025


    CTEQ Alumni Symposium Spring 2025
    Discussion of Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure and All’s Well that Ends Well
    Date: TBA


    CTEQ Pre-College Summer Program
    Coming in July 2025

  • Should teachers be neutral on moral issues in the classroom?

    Past winner of the CTEQ Essay Contest:
    Lily Vartanian, “Freedom of Speech and Liberal Education”
    Freedom of Speech and Liberal Education


Daniel P. Maher, Ph.D
Professor of Philosophy Director of CTEQ
Elissa Chase, J.D.
Adjunct Faculty
Rachel M. Coleman, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology
Bernard J. Dobski, Ph.D.
Professor of Political Science
Marc D. Guerra, Ph.D
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs Professor of Theology
Molly Brigid McGrath, Ph.D
Professor of Philosophy Director of Center for Teaching Excellence
Ty Monroe, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Theology Department Chair, Theology
Toby Norris, Ph.D.
Professor of Art History
Samuel A. Stoner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Philosophy

Experiential Learning

Assumption's Rome Campus

At Assumption's campus in Rome, Italy, the city and the country become your classroom through daily and weekend-long excursions throughout "the eternal city" and the Italian countryside. This unique study abroad experience will enrich your academic and cultural pursuits as you walk in the footsteps of emperors and gladiators then enjoy delectable Italian cuisine or perhaps a cappuccino after class in a local cafe. (Did you know that your financial aid follows you to Rome?)

Explore the Rome Campus

Learn the Skills Employers Seek

Faculty/Student Research

The Assumption curriculum encourages scholarly and real-world experience. With hands-on research conducted alongside faculty mentors, students gain a depth of knowledge and skills that lead to professional success and personal fulfillment.

Study Abroad

At Assumption University, the world is your classroom. Students can study and explore abroad in over 50 places from Vienna to England, South Africa, and even our own campus in historic, yet modern, Rome, Italy. Assumption’s study abroad program offers culture, history, and a living classroom for all.


Assumption starts planning for your future the day you arrive on campus. Our Career Development and Internship Center helps students secure exciting and fulfilling internships where you’ll apply knowledge obtained in the classroom in a professional setting, preparing for a future career or additional study. Assumption connects students to internship opportunities in corporations, government agencies, research hospitals, non-profit organizations, and more.

First-rate Academics in a Catholic University Setting

Assumption University awakens in students a sense of wonder, discovery, and purpose, forming graduates known for their intellectual seriousness, thoughtful citizenship, and devotion to the common good. Students are provided an education that shapes their souls, forms them intellectually, and prepares them for meaningful careers. Enlivened by the harmony of faith and reason, here, students’ minds and hearts are transformed.

Programs Related to Core Texts & Enduring Questions

Art History


CTEQ Pre-College Program


Global Studies


Graphic Design




Honors Program




Political Science


Studio Art




Women's Studies
