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Brenda King

Adjunct Faculty Grad Psychology

Portrait Picture of Brenda King

Ronald King

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Ronald King

Mary Kingsley, JD

Adjunct Faculty

Desautels Hall

Portrait Picture of Mary Kingsley, JD

Kristi Kinsella

Adjunct Faculty HSRS

Portrait Picture of Kristi Kinsella

Deborah L. Kisatsky, Ph.D

Associate Professor of History Director of Peace Studies

Founders Hall - Room 104

Portrait Picture of Deborah L. Kisatsky, Ph.D

Christopher P. Klofft, S.T.D

Associate Professor of Theology

Founders Hall - Room 322

Portrait Picture of Christopher P. Klofft, S.T.D

Erica Kluge

Assistant Women's Lacrosse Coach

Laska Gymnasium - Room 004

Portrait Picture of Erica Kluge

Lucia Z. Knoles, Ph.D

Professor of English

Founders Hall - Room 201

Portrait Picture of Lucia Z. Knoles, Ph.D

Eloise R. Knowlton, Ph.D

Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs

La Maison Francise Salon - Room 202

Portrait Picture of Eloise R. Knowlton, Ph.D

Barry C. Knowlton, Ph.D

Adjunct Faculty

Founders Hall - Room 119

Portrait Picture of Barry C. Knowlton, Ph.D

Benjamin Knurr, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Testa Science Center - Room 210

Portrait Picture of Benjamin Knurr, Ph.D.

Alison Koning

Associate Director of Admissions

Admissions House - Room 118

Portrait Picture of Alison Koning

Suzanne L. Kozak

Assistant Professor of Practice, Mathematics

Founders Hall - Room 125

Portrait Picture of Suzanne L. Kozak

Jon Krasner

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Jon Krasner

Regina Kuersten-Hogan, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Psychology, Director of Clinical Counseling Psychology/Beck Institute

Kennedy Hall - Room 211

Portrait Picture of Regina Kuersten-Hogan, Ph.D

Sanga Kuga

Adjunct Faculty

Portrait Picture of Sanga Kuga

Robert Kumar

Adjunct Faculty Computer Science

Portrait Picture of Robert Kumar

George F. Kuntz, III

Director of Student Engagement and Leadership

Portrait Picture of George F. Kuntz, III

Otto Kunz

Lecturer, MBA Programs

Portrait Picture of Otto Kunz

Regina Kuo

Cashier and Student Accounts Coordinator

Desautels Hall - Room 005

Portrait Picture of Regina Kuo

Matthew L. Laboissonniere

Coordinator of Athletic Communications

Portrait Picture of Matthew L. Laboissonniere

Raul Laborde

Adjunct Faculty Mathematics

Portrait Picture of Raul Laborde

Andrew Lacombe

Adjunct Faculty

Founders Hall - Room 243

Portrait Picture of Andrew Lacombe

Ann Lahey

Head Field Hockey Coach/SAAC Advisor

Laska Gymnasium - Room 05

Portrait Picture of Ann Lahey

Keith A. Lahikainen, Psy.D

Adjunct Faculty Graduate School Counseling

Portrait Picture of Keith A. Lahikainen, Psy.D

Keith Lahikinen, Psy.D.

Lecturer, Resiliency Graduate Program

Switzer Building - Room 107

Portrait Picture of Keith Lahikinen, Psy.D.

Chad Laliberte

Director of Student Success Pathways and International Student Advisor, PDSO

Emmanuel d’Alzon Library - Room 311

Portrait Picture of Chad Laliberte

Miranda Lambert

Swim Instructor

Portrait Picture of Miranda Lambert

Rev. Donat Lamothe, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Music Archivist

Founders Hall - Room 011

Portrait Picture of Rev. Donat Lamothe, Ph.D.

Michael Charles Land, Ph.D

Associate Professor of English Director, Community Service-Learning Program

Founders Hall - Room 224

Portrait Picture of Michael Charles Land, Ph.D

James Landers

Assoc Head M/W Golf Coach

Portrait Picture of James Landers

James M. Lang, Ph.D

Professor of English Director of the D’Amour Center for Teaching Excellence

Library - Room 312

Portrait Picture of James M. Lang, Ph.D

Aaron Langlois

Nurse - RN

Portrait Picture of Aaron Langlois

Michael Law

Lecturer, Transition Specialist Graduate Program

Portrait Picture of Michael Law